I'm someone who works really hard. Maybe way too hard sometimes.
I have a few assignments due this month that I'm all done, they're not even due till next month but I just feel this need to work on them or else.
I feel so drained yet so happy that they're done!
I kind of feel hyper in a way too.
I have OCPD so it's not a shock that I'm like this, I just wish my brain wouldn't make me overwork myself in a day because I'm scared of bad grades.
It's like I have this voice in my head that tells me to do stuff or else things will end up bad.
but the good thing about overworking myself is even if I feel like shit, I have so much free time to draw or write or do whatever I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so maybe working myself to death is ok because then I get to sit back and have fun.