I don't know why I feel so drained.
Like I'm not even working, I have just been trying to draw for the past few days and I just feel so sleepy.
I'm getting the sleep I need, like I sleep for 8-10 hours so I don't understand.
I don't think I'm stressed? Maybe I just need more sleep???
Idk maybe I'm dying lol
Gonna try and make some art but I might just take a longggggggggg break
Not a doctor, but it could be as simple as a lack of exercise or your diet :o
Coffee/tea helps!~
might be, I've been doing a lot of movement due to the snow, having to shovel and all.
you might be right tho. It might be my diet, this might be oversharing but I don't eat much, I normally only eat one meal a day. Due to food prices in Canada, I can't really afford to eat 3 times a day but I try to eat something healthy every day if I'm able to.